> Successful Creativity Network > EVENTS
SCN Workshops are organized and presented by experienced professionals who work in specialized fields. We welcome speakers to join our list of qualified workshop facilitators.
Title: How To Think Like A Licensing Agent …and not like an inventor! Workshop Description: Inventors, as a rule, are not necessarily the best candidates for commercializing their own innovations. The necessary personal attributes of high levels of ego and a great amount of paranoia very often work against success. Andrew unblocks the process for the do-it-yourself inventor / licensor by dispelling some of the myths that are common in the invention community.
Title: How To Earn Royalty Income From Your Product Ideas, Designs, or Artwork. Workshop Description: Your creativity can produce concepts and intellectual property that can be leased to manufacturers and publishers. You will be given easy-to-follow instructions about defining your goal, protecting your property, finding licensee prospects, the presentation process, proposing a license agreement, and closing the deal.
Title: How To Manufacture Your Product Idea On A Shoestring …or not! Workshop Description: You have managed to come up with an idea for a better mousetrap; and you know that the world will not beat a path to your door …unless you manufacture the product. Step by step directions are given to the wannabee entrepreneur or business student. Tips and tricks as well as identifying the minefields are offered in an easy-to-follow path to success.
Title: Protect yourself
Workshop Description: The workshop teaches the lesser known limitations of patents, trademarks, and copyrights to you …and what you can do to avoid great expenses that lead to very little protection …and what you can do to avoid being commercially mugged by creating an intellectual property strategy.
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